Collection: Daily Bread

The Rapture turned rock 'n' roll upside down again in the 00s with House Of Jealous Lovers . Dance punk, punk funk, indie dance. Names fell short. Bands sprang up like ejection seats. In the Netherlands, Daily Bread claimed ambassadorship and immediately gave the music its own name: 'sexy garage dance'. Just when everyone from Rotown to Lowlands seemed to be on board, the band, together with producer Rimer London, moved more towards electropop. The people danced along with it.

“An impressive tour through three decades of pop music” is what enthusiasts’ blog De Krenten Uit De Pop calls the new music. “Driven new wave” is the headline of Oor. The Daily Bread website now features the description “whatever you want it to be”. Call it what you want, this daily bread will leave you wanting more.