
Born and raised near the city of Groningen and with a Groningen vocabulary limited to 'moi', singer-songwriter Bas Schröder (1983) wants to know nothing of the dialect spoken in his native village for years. After having worn out a number of studies, jobs, bands and hearts, the first cautious attempts to write something in the then exotic Groningen dialect follow around 2012. Not hindered by any knowledge of the dialect and thus with the Groningen Dictionary by K. ter Laan on the table, the first texts are created under the name Swinder (Vagabond). About broken hearts and broken clocks, about drink, agriculture and unemployment: Skik meets Big Star.

The debut is recorded with Matthijs “Duif” from Duijvenbode and the long-awaited successor in collaboration with Tim Knol. The press from Telegraaf tot Oor is unanimously complimentary about both albums and the Groningen dialect used. Musicmaker headlines: ' ember pop melodies that effectively carry Groningen poetry'. The dictionary can go in the shredder.