The Jerry Hormone Ego Trip

The Jerry Hormone Ego Trip is the Dutch-language rock 'n' roll band around the Rotterdam writer Jerry Hormone. Early 2016, in the PAF! studio (aka the clubhouse of The KIK) under the inspiring leadership of Marcel Fakkers and Dave von Raven, the debut album of The Jerry Hormone Ego Trip, Stout! Stout! Stout! , was thrown onto the magnetic tape, to be released later that same year on the widely acclaimed - because despite those crazy folding bikes of theirs, they still know a thing or two about good music - Excelsior Recordings.

The always difficult second of The Jerry Hormone Ego Trip rumbles, thumps, crackles, rustles, rages, stamps, chatters, hisses, echoes, screeches, buzzes, hums, blows, thumps, rattles, tinkle-tangles, jingle-jangles, whines, creaks, crackles, pops, hisses, blares, blares, squeaks, buzzes, rumbles, whistles and swings the pan out. As if the Softs were playing the work of The Opposites in 1969. Who's the snack bar here, you or me? Jerry Hormone of course!