Earth Mk. II

Earth Mk. II (pronounced Earth Mark two) is the sixties project of drummer/singer Hugo van de Poel. His psychedelic songs show similarities with the repertoire of his best friend Jacco Gardner with whom he performed for several years as The Skywalkers. The influences vary from acts from the sixties, including The Zombies, Billy Nicholls and Syd Barrett, to more recent music by Nirvana, The Vaselines and White Fence, with whom he will also share the stage several times.

Live, Earth Mk. II consists of Van de Poel, Hannah Stöve (bass guitar), Janna Coomans of The Secret Love Parade (guitar/keyboards) and Marina Tadic (lead guitar, vocals). In the studio he works together with buddy Jacco Gardner. “Thumping, threatening, but quite delightful” writes The Daily Indie. Not only Excelsior is enthusiastic, Burger Records also selects the music for one of their famous cassettes. As Stippenlift or as Earth Mk. II, retrofuturist Hugo van de Poel is not going anywhere for the time being. Forever yesterday!